Tuesday, May 9, 2006

9th May

As usual, nothing much has happened. Had quite a boring day today, oh, have to mention stu yesterday, (promised him I would) yesterday, he not only dreamed about me naked, then tiend a plastic bag around my neck - it was painful (kind of). Ooh, something else that happened yesterday; I bit a bit of my tongue off, it was quite small but it bled loads, and was really painful.

Today, however, I did very little, a test in RE, read during critical thinking, and didn't do much during my free. Haggis invented the laughing game; if you laugh then he sleeps with you, if you don't then he jumps off a tall building. I'm not sure that there are any winners in that game! lol. Ddidn't do anything in theatre studies or lunch except laugh (I'd like to point out here that I did not join in the laughing game so it didn't matter that I laughed, lol). Then came home, and am procrastinating so that I don't have to write an English essay. lol, well thats about all for now - lol, don't ask about anything to do with Nick - you don't want to know the answer, all I can say is that I am working on my feelings, and they definitely need working on!

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