Sunday, May 14, 2006

14th May

This weekend hasn't really been special. Saturday, had an average day at Colemans, it went really fast, as I had to do a variety of exciting jobs. After work we all went to Watkins' and saw everyone, it was okay, not the most fun we've ever had- alex left about 9 and came back at bout eleven, Nick was quite quiet; silent, a lot of the conversation was made up of pranks we could play with a certain secretary and eggs, which thrilling as it was, carried a repetetive feeling to it, lol, surprisingly. Stayed over at Watkins' and left early this morning (well, for the ten past ten bus). Came home, and haven't really done anything, lol, its as fun as it sounds. Haven't done any work, and I really need to, but I have six frees tomorrow as various lessons have been cancelled, so I can do something then.

In general am bored with life, lol, although that might be something to do with the fact that theres not much to look forward to, bring on half-term.

1 comment:

Thomas said...

Bah! Avast with a thousand platoons of shivering timbers!

Thankyou for your time. This message was brought to you by Joth's Random Message Generator.

The views expressed in this message are intended only to confuse and bewilder - any dismaying or anger is your own responsibility.

I mean come on, it was a joke! Relax. Stop being so PC.