Sunday, July 30, 2006


haven't blogged for a while ,so i thought i should. lol, having been stuck at home for the last one and a half weeks not that much has happened. Well, mediumly. I am finally allowed out tomorrow! yay! I will relish my freedom! I am no nearer to dumping Mike than I was before, I have suggested it, and that a long distance relationship with someone i don't know is not what i want, but he tried to persuade me otherwise, so we decided to keep thinking about it, and he is now down in Portsmouth for a week, so when he comes back I can say "look we've tried it for just a week and it isn't working" etc, it'll be fine (I was reassuring myself there). NOt much else has happened, oh apart from the fact that I kind of went out anyway on Thursday to see Nick and have a driving lesson, both were good but not worth the risk if my mother found out, luckily she didn't! Who knows what would have happened. Ooh, I have also booked my theory test for the 3rd of August, I am going to fail hazard perception! lol.

I think thats all for now, everyone keep having a good summer!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

another update

Well, I have been doing nothing but resting with my stupid leg, it is so frustrating not being able to go anywhere, everyone's going out and i am staying at home lying down! Argh, i'm going mad. Oh, I'm also going to dump Mike, well I'm trying my best, but i feel really bad doing it. He's really nice, but it would jsut never work, after this week I will only see him for another two before I go to uni (maybe three), but its jsut not worth it getting all into him and then having to break up, its just come at the wrong time, so I'm going to have to try and tell him, but i feel really rubbish, and have been up all night fretting.... but I'm sure it'll be fine.

I don't really have much else to say, apart from my wish that I can leave my house tomorrow to go into town and see people, I am rerally hopmig, so I am going to be gutted if I can't, anyway, I have to go and rest now! Hopefully see people soon, hope everyone is having a fun and dandy time!

Friday, July 21, 2006

another leg update

Well, I went to the doctors again today. I now have a pair of crutches, apparently now, it is a problem with my back, and i have a trapped nerve. They got the physio to twiddle around with my back, and it did feel alot better, so I am hoping that now it will start to get better, but we will just have to wait and see...

Mike has been so sweet these last couple of days; he came over to see me yesterday, and ended up buying tea for me and my sister (and him), and preparing it and he just sat with me all evening (we couldn't go anywhere, as i have been immobilised). He came around today as well, and just again sat with me generally being nice. We went to the doctors, and left him behind saying that we would only be ten minutes, and didn't arrive back for an hour, however, he didn't seem bothered about it, he just wanted to make sure i was still okay. Maybe Julia's right and I do have really low expectations, but i think that that is just so sweet. I don't think i like him as much as he deserves... he said he'd come and see me tomorrow.

More updates to follow, i literally haven't done anything else as I have to rest my leg, any invitations to come over and drink tea with me, or to just phone and have a chat would be welcome, only if i know you though... or that would be weird, plus you wouldn't have my number... anyway, i am sitting at home feeling sorry for myself! hope everyone ish aving more fun in their holidays than me.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

my leg

don't have much time, but had to update on my leg. I hurt it while banana boating, and it swelled and is now really bruised and painful, and i am on antibiotics and shouldn't work at Colemans this Saturday! more updates to follow...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

haven't said anything for a while

i haven't been online for quite a while, and therefore not blogged. Thought I should do a short update, befroe i have to sleep as i have work and jules' 18th tomz, with no time inbetween. Have done quite a lot, seen Mike (he invited me to Wales sometime this summer), been to a Colemans summer doo and killed my leg, it swelled to twice its original size and bruised badly, and now i have to limp everywhere, but i hope it will be better soon. Just read JUles' blog in which she says (and I quote) "Sarah's voice could pierce a brick", any comments declaring my voice is not piercing would be wqelcome, any otehr comments on my voice would not be. Other than that I have happilly mulled along in my life, I am determined to keep a diary and have been doing so, giving me slightly less reason to blog, although if i had longer it would mean that my blog could be kept very accurate.

Anyway, I have to go and sleep now, before my leg drops off, but i will see some of you tomorrow, and the rest soon enough. Everyone have fun.

Monday, July 10, 2006

haven't posted for a while

thought i should blog as i haven't for a while. I'm just going to blog on the weekend, as i haven't really done much before hand.

Friday, I was so busy doing a million things. Pete has a new gear stick, and its fantastic, I had a driving lesson, and it was completely brill. Err... ran around like a loon most of the day, Mike rang to see if we could meet up and i couldn't, lol. Had dinner with my dad and jenn before they went off to my granddads 80th, and then went to Alex's. From there we travelled to Mark's house, and then to Tom's for his and Nick's birthday thing. It was really brill, we sat round, ate mexican and laughed basically. In the end it was just me alex jules andrena tom nick mark and daniel as everyone else was ill (ali came for about 15 mins), lol. There's not much else to say really; ooh, Nick has had his hair cut! It looks soo much better now, he also gel/waxes it or something and it looks so much more normal, its taken way too long for him to get a normal hair cut, but i think we are all pleased (well those of us who care... ). In the end I got Tom a book and Nick a £10 voucher for virgin. The book was something that Tom wanted (I think), and I realise Nick's present was a bit lame, but I couldn't think of anything else that wasn't oohey. Oh, and I managed to buy Nick the same birthday card as Bob, lol, I was impressed.

Saturday, Lucy's last day, so there was not much work and a lot of cake and good wishes. It was really brill, in the way that we all had fun and did exciting things. I can't believe she's actually left; its going to be so weird next saturday. I was shattered from last night, as I spent the night at Alex's, went to bed at about quarter past two and woke up at seven. However, I was quite awake at the end of work, so I spent a couple of hours with Mike after work and then Andrena picked me up and we went to Matt's party. It was really brill, although I felt really bad as I had left his present behind at Colemans (I wont say what it was as I haven't given it to him yet, but its quite cool). I ended up staying overnight, which would have been fine, apart from Watkins being sick on Matt's floor. I'm really funny about sick, it makes me feel really queasy; i don't think I can ever have children for this reason, but i'm hoping that some kind of maternal instinct will kick in so that i'll be okay.

On Sunday I didn't really do much, apart from see Mike, he was so sweet, my mum and sister came back and not only did he put up with hearing my mother's divorce story, but also an interrogation by my sister with such questions including "the navy; is that the plane one?". It was interesting... lol, nah it was vwery fun.

Anyway, that has been my weekend, hope everyone else is having fun!

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

4th july?

not sure of the date, or when i last blogged so there might be some overlaps...

haven't done much in a way, i had the leavers service and dinner, which was really good, not much to say apart from now that we have left its a bit scary; see toms blog for bigger details of the actual event. lol. Err, if anyone wants photos of the event comment me, and i will e-mail them to you, i have finally worked out how to compress them all into one e-mail, which is more exciting than you can imagine. Ooh, I have started knitting again, just making a small scarf, but the wool is quite exciting.

Yesterday I got a job! I now also work at Archies the wine bar in oundle, which is very exciting, I went and asked yesterday an they were short staffed that day, so I started within the hour, lol, its perfect as it means that i have a bit of extra money and my mum is off my back! yay!

Haven't done much apart from get a job; I've seen quite a bit of Mike, but he's moving up to Oakham this week (from whittering), and so he is busy packing etc, but it is going well. Yesterday I saw Alex, I feel that I haven't seen anyone for ages, even though it has only been a few days. We just went for a drink in the Drapers Arms, but it was nice, she's going to Cromer today so she left early this morining and I ended up sleeping at hers till about ten, much to her mother's horror I am sure, lol, but it was good, we caught up, although we still haven't been tp play pool, i am feeling left out! lol.

I think that that is all my news for now, I will see people probably on friday or saturday, and i'm sure someone (me) will arrange coffee or something for the week after, hope everyone is having a good holiday!! No more work, well, not school work! Have fun