Friday, July 21, 2006

another leg update

Well, I went to the doctors again today. I now have a pair of crutches, apparently now, it is a problem with my back, and i have a trapped nerve. They got the physio to twiddle around with my back, and it did feel alot better, so I am hoping that now it will start to get better, but we will just have to wait and see...

Mike has been so sweet these last couple of days; he came over to see me yesterday, and ended up buying tea for me and my sister (and him), and preparing it and he just sat with me all evening (we couldn't go anywhere, as i have been immobilised). He came around today as well, and just again sat with me generally being nice. We went to the doctors, and left him behind saying that we would only be ten minutes, and didn't arrive back for an hour, however, he didn't seem bothered about it, he just wanted to make sure i was still okay. Maybe Julia's right and I do have really low expectations, but i think that that is just so sweet. I don't think i like him as much as he deserves... he said he'd come and see me tomorrow.

More updates to follow, i literally haven't done anything else as I have to rest my leg, any invitations to come over and drink tea with me, or to just phone and have a chat would be welcome, only if i know you though... or that would be weird, plus you wouldn't have my number... anyway, i am sitting at home feeling sorry for myself! hope everyone ish aving more fun in their holidays than me.

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