Saturday, October 22, 2005

ha hah... ha

No, it didn't last, and I thought it was going so well. Well it was, until I went to see the film. I'd talked to him online, made sure that he wasn't not going cos of me, and he wasn't (well kind of, he said that if he was going out with me he would have gone, but it didn't matter whether I was going to the cinema tonight or not, he still wouldn't have gone - but then later I thought; does that mean that he's just more introverted, or that he isn't in a going out mood at all, and if not, why - any comments welcome), so it was all happy. And the film was the best film I have seen for ages, it made me burst out laughing at various bits out loud, however, i have now got to that stage, well and truly, where everything that I see or do, reminds me of Nick, someone give me a topic and I can relate it to Nick, without tangenting in any way. It's not even as though I am particularly good at doing that (although with the practice I am getting, I soon will be), its just so easy.

When I am not thinking about how happy we were, then I find it easy to be apart, but when I do remeber, it pains me, quite a lot. And I'm not sure how to stop it.

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