Sunday, August 6, 2006


I haven't blogged ofr a while, so i thought i should. I have been out of the house for nearly a week now, since Monday, and I am loving every second of it. I hated being kept at home, but its made the rest of my summer much better as i appreciate doing things so much more. I took my thoery test and I passed!! I am now trying to get a cancellation with my driving test as there are no spaces, so I just have to hope. I passed easily on the multiple choice questions 34 out of 35, but on the hazard perception bit i only got 46, the pass mark is 44, lol, its because I clicked too much on this really easy one, so I should have got 51, but nevermind; i still passed.

I also broke up with Mike (at last), it was the best break up i have ever had. We both left happy, well, obviously he didn't leave thrilled, but he said that he understood, and that I had to go off and go to uni ( i said there wasn't enough space in my life for anything apart from exams results, then clearing then uni etc etc). He said that if I ever had enough space that I should call him, and that we should definitely meet up together again, even if it was just as friends, and he made me promise I would tell him about my results, etc. He is so nice, lol, but nevermind, we must go on.

Oooh, Jenny (my sis), got the job at Colemans, and she will carry on from where i left off, how exciting is that, we went out to celebrate on friday (I day we, it was meant to be me, my mum and my sis, but in the end we ended up inviting Nick aswell, long story, but it was really brill).

I worked at Colemans yesterday for the first time in three weeks, it was really good, we had to produce slogans advertising our tuck shop, the best few were; "our tuck shop; its tucktastic", and "tasty treats to sweeten up your week at Coleman's tuck shop". So if you're in Oundle in the next few weeks walk past Colemans and you'll see the final choices in the window.

I have done lots of little things but not really anything to write about; I have bought the coolest hat ever, in the sale, I ended up getting 93% off a hat in accessorize, i was meant to be getting 70% off but I ended up getting more and i wasn't going to argue. I am going to see Julia today, I had to do lots of persuading but Tom's away so she didn't have any excuse, lol, but it should be fun.

At the moment I am very happy, lol, just in general, although quite poor, as I haven't been working for ages. I don't really have many plans for the week ahead, going to the cinema with Nick tomorrow to see "break up", lol, ironic, but apart from that am hoping to work and then next weekend I am going to worthing with Alex and Jules (Andrena's seeing her nan), just for the weekend, although it will mean that I miss Joycee's party at the weekend; have fun! Anyway, I suppose I should let people get back to whatever they are doing. I will no doubt update my blog if anything exciting happens, and failing that, prob next week, when i come back from holiday ( i'm back late on monday).

Hope everyone is having as brill a time as I am!!!! Have fun

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