Saturday, August 19, 2006

woo, cardiff here i come

Just thought I should tell everyone about results day. I was thrilled, I ended up with two A's, two B's and a C in critical thinking, lol. But the best bit is that I got into Cardiff! How wonderful is that!?!? So, it was all good, and think of all that worrying for nothing!

I haven't really done much since I got results, on the day, we went to Jules' after, and ate biscuits cooked by her sister, and drank champagne from Tom's dad, which was very nice, then went to the Drapers for literally 3 minutes, to say a quick hi, as I was going shopping in town. Bought a new pair of jeans and then went home, to change and have coffee with my mother and go back into town to visit Nick, he is having a gap year as he didn't get into Med school, but he seems quite happy about it. Saw him for a bit, and then we went to Alex's. From there we went to "Ask" for a meal with quite a few other people and although the food took a while it was very nice. For the first time ever I didn't have pizza while I was there, or pudding for that matter (although not by choice), after that we went back to the Draper's Arms and then from there me, Alex and my mum went to Chicagos. We had the best time ever, lol, it was so funny, and there was this one guy who was really good at dancing; he danced with everyone and swung one lady around quite a lot, she looked slightly terrified, lol, but he was very entertaining to watch (and to dance with occaisionally, lol).

Yesterday I tried to go to work in Archies, but they sent me home after two hours as it was really quiet, I am working there tomorrow as well, but I wish they would send my home early then too. Its not that I don't enjoy it, but I don't know what to do, so I feel everyone gets annoyed with me, and I don't know the prices of anything, I'm not used to being the less experienced one, and its not something I particularly look forward to, and I don't seem to be getting any better, still, practice makes perfect.

Today I worked at Colemans, and was knackered as I spent the day yesterday also painting the kitchen, which was good, although now my back feels like it has broken. The day went really quickly with highlights such as being told how to play the "worm game", fun to wathc but not to play, and getting a box of chocolates, and then finding out that they were dark chocolates (I'm going to give them to Nick, lol), apparently there were three boxes of milk, obviously three for the Saturday staff, but all the big ladies took them (big as in old, not fat)l so me and Katie were really annoyed, as we don't eat milk chocolate.

Anyway, am home at the moment, not doing very much as I had to be home tonight as my mum has gone out and doesn't want my sis to be alone as she has only just got back from holiday, she is singing very loudly, I hope she stops soon!

Everything in general is well, not really much news, lol, Mike texted about my results and I told him, he was pleased and is now on holiday! Hope everybody got good results, etc, and they are all doing whatever they want next year. Have fun.

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