Wednesday, January 3, 2007

i know its been ages

Sorry guys, i know it has been an absolute age since i last blogged. I have done several on my camera and just not posted them. I cannot do another now as I am in my pyjamas, and so you will just have to make do with words instead!

I realise there is a great deal that I have not typed about, so I will start with Nick's last trip and the panto and then carry on from there, although hopefully reasonably quickly, before moving onto the last night of cardiff, the train the next day and then the christmas holidays (wow i sound like i'm debating)

First things first, at the beginning of December (way back), Nick came down, as he had an interview at Bristol, it was very nice, he liked it, although he liked Cardiff more apparently (although i'm not sure if he wasn't swayed by the people in Cardiff), so we have to talk about where he wants to go next year, I say we, obviously he can make up his own mind (sometimes). It was a shame him being down though, as I was so busy, trying to do a zillion things including the pantomime! JAck and his Giant Beanstalk, although a long time ago was a huge success, we sold out every night, everyone laughed at me, and no one thought that i was rude (or anybody else for that matter). All in all it was brill, apart from the last night (it still haunts me) when the crew played pranks on us, basically there was a dildo on stage in every scene, this wasn't a problem for me until the last scene, where as Andrena will know (she came to watch it), I (after a lot of plot), open a box to reveal a pot noodle horn, my line that follows is; "cunnilingus, can i blow" - the point being that i blow on the horn, pot noodle flys everywhere and Jack is rich and lives happily ever after etc, you can imagine what the horn was exchanged for... it makes it even worse as the whole cast had told me in advance, so i had plenty of time to worry about it. ALthough I was a disappointment to many, who would have liked to have a chuckle at me carrying out my line, unfortunately for them, rob, the dame saved me, after i stood there, kneeling, and staring at it like a daft bugger, he took it from me and did the act himself, (i'm not joking, if he hadn't, the whole cast would still be on stage now) And so it ended, with a brill after show party (until 9 in the morning), and that was that (unitl the DVD!).

I will rush on now to the end of term, which ended with a debating social and then a floor 3 knees up. The debating social was good, i bought a brill red dress and heels (we had to dress up, i went as a sant type figure, i had a hat as well), and we debated and then afterwards went to jumpin' jacks, which wasnt where we'd first intended, but we got thrown out of reflex as one of our party had a N. Ireland driving license which was apparently "dodgy". So it was ok, but why half the people came i don't know, they knew it was going to include dancing, yet it was obvious that they hated dancing... basically it was ten blokes and me standing in a circle, some wearing costume (the guy to my right wore a bin bag; he was dressed as a piece of coal). SO we went back to uni hall tower after a few hours, for our floors party, only to get there and find that the rest of my floor had decided to go out in cardiff after all. SO we waited until they got back and then tried to stay up all night so that i wouldn't miss my train. I ended up having a nap at 8 in the morning, which no one woke me up properly for (although it was my fault) ending up in the awkward postion of missing my train! It wouldn't have mattered but i got one of those cheap tickets, and i'd only missed it by 4 mins. Anyway, was disappointed so was about to go to another platform when Joe (debating Joe) arrived, apparently having run all the way from my halls (a good 50 minute walk) to check that i'd made my train as he felt bad for nto having woken me up! It was surprising to say the least, but really sweet, and he waited with me while i waited an hour for the next train. ANyway, i eventually got home and saw everyone and it was great etc.

I can't go through everything i did over xmas as there was too much so;
  • saw my irish relatives who now live in leeds on the weekend before xmas
  • then spent loads of time with nick, and saw everyone else - had an xmas meal, i did pudding which helped make up for my abysmal presents (perhaps)
  • spent xmas in manchester as usual, but most family were in ireland or newzealand
  • came back and spent more time with nick and went to kings reunion
  • realised that i couldnt do my essay at home
  • decided to come home on the 2nd
  • went dancing with my mother
  • had new years at toms, was really brill, much better than previous years
  • went back to cardiff on the 2nd
  • spent new year with friends at toms, twas really brill

now i am back, which is boring cos no one else is, but i can't really deal with distractions anyway, i have written 694 words today, which is 100 off my target, but nevermind, i can always do more tomorrow, apart from the fact that my sleeping pattern is completely out of whack and i can't sleep until about 3 o clock.

Today i went shopping for food as well, as i have none, i also phoned nick, although whenever i phone him he always seems to be jsut about to go out, lol. Err, thats all i have done really, atm i am waiting for the rest of a desperate housewives episode to download, which is exciting (not) - it takes ages. Anyway... i am glad that i have caught up with myself, although i have probably missed out crucial bits, but i am sure that they will continue to come up, i may continue writing, opposed to blogging, although that is mroe fun, i cna do this more 'off the cuff', but i will see what happens.

I apologise for my huge amount of spelling mistakes, i was just typing quickly! Hope everyone has had a brill new year, hope to see you soon, i am back on the 19th if you are still in p'boro, see you, xx

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