Monday, October 9, 2006


thought i should keep everyone up to date on my life, as i enjoy finding out about everybody elses, tomorrow i find out about the plays (i was rubbish, i don't think i have got any part, thats an honest opinion), i also find out about the netball team, the same applies, but its only for this weeks match, so i don't mind at all. My foot is still bad, i'm going to the doctors on wednesday. Err, everyone i know is still really nice, that weird stalker guy is continuing to write on my facebook wall, although he must know i have a boyfriend cos its written on there so i am thinking that i am safe, lol.

Had my first tutorial/seminar thing today, was a bit disappointing, i have never looked so much like a geek, mostly becuase i'd just bothered to read and make notes on all the reading we 'had' to do. Our tutor wasn't bothered at all though and even though these things are compulsory, he said he wouldn't report us if we didn't turn up for a couple. I did think of Andrena during it; he's italian and we were talking about the language we use in law and he said the phrase "latin is dead", lol. Yeah, so a bit disappointing, he didn't really push us, but i'm still going to work, as i still don't know all the stuff i wrote notes on, and i need good grades.

Err, can't really think of anything else to say, but i'll try and remeber to update tomorrow, when i find out about all my failures! lol. I am still having really good fun, hope everyone else is too,

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