I thought i would write, as it mean I can stick pictures of the wonderful roast dinner we had on Sunday (yes we were sad enough to take photos of it before we ate it), i had never cooked roast potatoes, but thanks to Andrena's brithday present I had several handy tips on how to do it, and they turned out amazing! (the random slice, is a cheese cake we made for dessert) (Thank you Andrena), ooh, and while we are updating the use on birthday presents; Tom, your DVD is the only one I have bought with me and consequently have watched it abut 6 times, luckily its very good, so I don't mind! Alex, I have unfortunately also had to use you b'day present, not that it is bad, but it has unfortunately rained, you'll also be pleased to hear that so far, I haven't left it behind anywhere!
Yesterday I had auditions, they went okay, the panto was really good, and I really wanted to do that, I had to do a load of characters, and then they had me do the same scene again but in a certain way, and they chose "disabled", so I was three disabled people, and it was surprisingly funny (if you weren't disabled), and minus the small worry that they will play it in public and I will have stuff thrown at me (It was filmed as one of the team wasn't at the audition), it is definitely my best chance of doing something, AMSND was not as good as I thought it would be, unfortunately the girl I did it with was rubbish, adn i spoke way too fast, but i'm thinking its probably better to do something new, only one more to do, tonight, if i can fit it in, if not, then i'll do it on thursday. So, err, haven't really done much, attended lectures, have begun to find stuff out about Law, its better than i thoguht it would be! today I spent £54 on two books, they better be good ones! lol, anyway, i will post this photos, and be done with it. Oh, yesterday I went to Tigertiger (club in Cardiff), which was quite good, I do have a photo of us, but i'll leave that for another time as it is on my phone, atm i have a cold (don't worry, its not a 'sarah' cold), but i'm tired and feel like rubbish and might have a nap now! (went to bed at half one, and woke up at 7:00 am). Anyway, have fun, i'll see you all soon...
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