Haven't blogged for a while... have had way too much to do, but hopefully i will start to blog more often |
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Saturday, October 14, 2006
fun times
hey guys, thought i should update you, as i haven't blogged for a while, can't remeber when i last blogged so i'll start from thursday night. Went to debating, my stalker guy was there (and obviously toerh people), we played this game and then went to the pub and played more games, it was good, then like a good girl i left to get a bus at 11:00 so that i would be home and get lots of sleep for my lecture the next day. However, i got home at the same time that chris and tom (guys that do law with me) were going to creation (random club in cardiff), so they said i should go with them, and at that precise moment the taxi came and so i ended up going and not coming back until half three in the morning. Bit knackering, and so didn't get up for my friday morning lecture, but it was only legal foundations, and it meant that i could tidy my whole room and do all my washing as jack and ed were coming down to see the fratellis. Did that, and wrote up a whole bunch of lectures etc, and then went with chris to collect them from the station, we took a while, and i ended up being half an hour late for my panto rehearsal, but people didn't seem to mind. The panto is oging to be really cool, and have noel edmunds in it (randomly), if people want to come down and see it, it is on the 5th to the 8th of december, and will be a laugh, i will put you up in my room, or if theres a lot of you, in a mixture of rooms, tickets are only £5, anyone interested, get in contact. Anyway,
So, left panto early to go and meet up with everyone to watch the gig, it was really fantastic, with everyone jumping up and down like loonies, altho i was really near the front, like the second row bakc, as soon as i have got the photos on my computer i'll stick them on here - some are really good, others are a bit naff. Gig finished, i bought a t-shirt (jack and ed had already bought t-shirts which was good, as they had been in the 'frenzy', and were literally dripping with sweat. We then went and had chips, then came home, talked, then went and played snooker, then went for a walk, then cam home and made sure ed and jack were comfortable - i have a really funny pic of them in bed; they top and tailed in an empty room. By this time it was half five, so went to bed, knackered, and the was woken up at half ten by Nick ringing. He sounded well, although not really happy, but talked to him for an hour, really looking forward to seeing him on friday.
Went back to sleep after we finshed on the phone, but was woken up by ed and jack at half one, got dressed and after more snooker we went and spent the day in town with everyone; pictures to follow, was very good though. Then at about seven we said goodbye to ed and jack and drove back home for tea. It was really weird saying goodbye to ed and jack, i have met so many people and its really weird saying goodbye to people all over again; i said i was looking forward to nick coming, and i am, but saying goodbye to him is going to be rubbish cos i wont see him for a month and a half after he leaves. It would almost be easier not seeing him, becuase then i wouldnt be reminded of how good it is with him. Even though i don't know ed and jack particularly well, i realised how much i missed people i actually know, knowing inside jokes and what people like etc... it was really strange and slightly disconserting. Anyway, matt (smith) is still here, he's seeing another friend in cardiff and at the moment everyone is on floor four, apart form me as i have panto and work to do tomorrow, so i am going to bed now, to try and get my body clock back to some normality - impossible i believe. lol, so anyway, now i am going to bed (nearly), but i am still having fun, although my foot isn't completely healed, and there is a marathon in cardiff tomorrow, so the roads are closed, and i might have to walk there and back ,which will not be good for my feet. But never mind, and i am eating so much at the moment, that a long walk will definitely not do me any harm; i am going to eat sensibly this week, or nick will come and wonder whether i have managed to consume whole supermarkets in the time i have been away, plus my budget starts on monday; argh. Lol, hope everyone is budgeting better than I!
So, left panto early to go and meet up with everyone to watch the gig, it was really fantastic, with everyone jumping up and down like loonies, altho i was really near the front, like the second row bakc, as soon as i have got the photos on my computer i'll stick them on here - some are really good, others are a bit naff. Gig finished, i bought a t-shirt (jack and ed had already bought t-shirts which was good, as they had been in the 'frenzy', and were literally dripping with sweat. We then went and had chips, then came home, talked, then went and played snooker, then went for a walk, then cam home and made sure ed and jack were comfortable - i have a really funny pic of them in bed; they top and tailed in an empty room. By this time it was half five, so went to bed, knackered, and the was woken up at half ten by Nick ringing. He sounded well, although not really happy, but talked to him for an hour, really looking forward to seeing him on friday.
Went back to sleep after we finshed on the phone, but was woken up by ed and jack at half one, got dressed and after more snooker we went and spent the day in town with everyone; pictures to follow, was very good though. Then at about seven we said goodbye to ed and jack and drove back home for tea. It was really weird saying goodbye to ed and jack, i have met so many people and its really weird saying goodbye to people all over again; i said i was looking forward to nick coming, and i am, but saying goodbye to him is going to be rubbish cos i wont see him for a month and a half after he leaves. It would almost be easier not seeing him, becuase then i wouldnt be reminded of how good it is with him. Even though i don't know ed and jack particularly well, i realised how much i missed people i actually know, knowing inside jokes and what people like etc... it was really strange and slightly disconserting. Anyway, matt (smith) is still here, he's seeing another friend in cardiff and at the moment everyone is on floor four, apart form me as i have panto and work to do tomorrow, so i am going to bed now, to try and get my body clock back to some normality - impossible i believe. lol, so anyway, now i am going to bed (nearly), but i am still having fun, although my foot isn't completely healed, and there is a marathon in cardiff tomorrow, so the roads are closed, and i might have to walk there and back ,which will not be good for my feet. But never mind, and i am eating so much at the moment, that a long walk will definitely not do me any harm; i am going to eat sensibly this week, or nick will come and wonder whether i have managed to consume whole supermarkets in the time i have been away, plus my budget starts on monday; argh. Lol, hope everyone is budgeting better than I!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Exciting news; I got a part in the panto! We don't find out what our parts are until Friday, and apparently as first years we are only given small parts to se if we turn up and stuff, but i am still very excited! lol. Luckily, i didn't get into the netball team, as i have a doctors appointment at the same time (which i have to go to in an hour and a half). If anything really terrible happens i'll blog afterwards, but i think it will be okay, hopefully not long term. Err, apart from that life goes on as normal, tonight i have a social with the netball team, which sounds as though its going to be really good. I had lamb with mint sauce and mash potato for tea yesterday and it was gorgeous! Err, i think i have already told everyone the stuff i am looking forward to; bascially the fratellis, then nick coming, then my sister coming, among panto and debating.
At the moment I am having the left over lamb in a sandwhich also with mint sauce; the nicest sandwhich i have had in a long time. Ooh, and i have found a guy that really reminds me of matt benaton, not only does he have crazy similar hair and personality, but the other night at the uni bar "the banana song" came on, and he loves it aswell, lol. Anyway, I will continue to tidy my room, as i imagine when ed and jack come down at some point i might want to brag about its size etc, lol. Everyone have fun...
At the moment I am having the left over lamb in a sandwhich also with mint sauce; the nicest sandwhich i have had in a long time. Ooh, and i have found a guy that really reminds me of matt benaton, not only does he have crazy similar hair and personality, but the other night at the uni bar "the banana song" came on, and he loves it aswell, lol. Anyway, I will continue to tidy my room, as i imagine when ed and jack come down at some point i might want to brag about its size etc, lol. Everyone have fun...
Monday, October 9, 2006
thought i should keep everyone up to date on my life, as i enjoy finding out about everybody elses, tomorrow i find out about the plays (i was rubbish, i don't think i have got any part, thats an honest opinion), i also find out about the netball team, the same applies, but its only for this weeks match, so i don't mind at all. My foot is still bad, i'm going to the doctors on wednesday. Err, everyone i know is still really nice, that weird stalker guy is continuing to write on my facebook wall, although he must know i have a boyfriend cos its written on there so i am thinking that i am safe, lol.
Had my first tutorial/seminar thing today, was a bit disappointing, i have never looked so much like a geek, mostly becuase i'd just bothered to read and make notes on all the reading we 'had' to do. Our tutor wasn't bothered at all though and even though these things are compulsory, he said he wouldn't report us if we didn't turn up for a couple. I did think of Andrena during it; he's italian and we were talking about the language we use in law and he said the phrase "latin is dead", lol. Yeah, so a bit disappointing, he didn't really push us, but i'm still going to work, as i still don't know all the stuff i wrote notes on, and i need good grades.
Err, can't really think of anything else to say, but i'll try and remeber to update tomorrow, when i find out about all my failures! lol. I am still having really good fun, hope everyone else is too,
Had my first tutorial/seminar thing today, was a bit disappointing, i have never looked so much like a geek, mostly becuase i'd just bothered to read and make notes on all the reading we 'had' to do. Our tutor wasn't bothered at all though and even though these things are compulsory, he said he wouldn't report us if we didn't turn up for a couple. I did think of Andrena during it; he's italian and we were talking about the language we use in law and he said the phrase "latin is dead", lol. Yeah, so a bit disappointing, he didn't really push us, but i'm still going to work, as i still don't know all the stuff i wrote notes on, and i need good grades.
Err, can't really think of anything else to say, but i'll try and remeber to update tomorrow, when i find out about all my failures! lol. I am still having really good fun, hope everyone else is too,
Saturday, October 7, 2006
quick update
The guy that was following me around on that day (the one that pretended to be 28 etc and followed me to sainsburys) has just added me on facebook (I think, it looks quite similar, but apparently i am older than he...? bit scary, lol, the stalking continues unabated! Apart from that am fine, apart from rubbish foot injury, speak soon (I'm meant to be working), byesy
Friday, October 6, 2006
Hey everyone, something weird has happened with my computer, and now some text is really large, including this, so if it comes out large to you as well then I apologise. Err, well I have had a wonderful couple of days. Yesterday I went debating, they put on a show debate for us, but wanted four freshers to go on the teams (there are four teams of two, although obviously only two sides, opp1+2 and prop1+2). Anyway, I (as you might imagine) volunteered, so it was really brill, we debated that "this house believes that teenage pregnancy is better than geriatric pregnancy", we were on the side of the teenagers, and with the wonderful giudance of my partner, some crazily good debating guy (I can't even remember his name), we drew according to the audience, and won according to the judges!, lol, to add to the excitement, me and the other fresher girl (there were two girls and two boys), were voted the best speakers, obviously out of the freshers, the 3rd years, were amazing, it was just really fantastic watching them. Anyway, went straight from there to the law social, which was okay but wasn't as good as i thought it would have been, we went to this club, which was quite good but packed, and we left at about half midnight. Today, I had more good news when i went to look at the societeies boards for the auditions. I have had re-calls for 3 of the 4 plays, and the one i didn't get a call back on, was the one i really didn't want to be in. So, I now unfortunately have to get up and to trevithick hall at nine tomorrow so there goes a lie in, but i really want to get into one of these plays, mostly the pantomime, but we shall see what happens.
Also had a careers talk today, am getting worried about the fact i want to be a barrister and its so difficult to become one, apparently you should have all A's for A-level and even if I just cited my 2 A's and a B I am already behind! Never mind, but if anyone knows any barristers who enjoy giving work experience (and lets face it what barrister wouldn't - that was sarcasm), please let me know, apparently, work experience is the what everyone looks for, therefore we need some... anyway, having the most fab time ever... apart from the fact that i am just about to go and trial for the law netball team, i am rubbish, and i don't think that there are going to be any other freshers, but nevermind... anyway, i will tell you how it goes, hope everyone else is having a good as time as me! sary wary woo (soz, in a bit of a strange mood)
Also had a careers talk today, am getting worried about the fact i want to be a barrister and its so difficult to become one, apparently you should have all A's for A-level and even if I just cited my 2 A's and a B I am already behind! Never mind, but if anyone knows any barristers who enjoy giving work experience (and lets face it what barrister wouldn't - that was sarcasm), please let me know, apparently, work experience is the what everyone looks for, therefore we need some... anyway, having the most fab time ever... apart from the fact that i am just about to go and trial for the law netball team, i am rubbish, and i don't think that there are going to be any other freshers, but nevermind... anyway, i will tell you how it goes, hope everyone else is having a good as time as me! sary wary woo (soz, in a bit of a strange mood)
Wednesday, October 4, 2006
another written blog
sorry everyone, until i get my camera battery charger these will probably have to be written... Today I have realised how much work I have to do; a lot but not an undoable amount, I'm satisfied. Not really done much else, went to sleep yesterday at 9:07pm, how good is that! I feel much better (I had a cold yesterday). Unfortunately I am out tonight as it is Danny's (person on the floor above's) b'day.
Oh, something did happen (although it wasn't very exciting), I picked up (not meaning to) a random guy, who followed me orund al afternoon, he made me buy cheap bread, which would have been okay, but i didn't want any bread, I also got no dinner, as he said i should eat apples and cheese, at the time he had followed me to sainsburys, he didn't want anything, and had left his friend at the library to come with me, he told me about his life (a wannabe labour MP, does charity work for a Lithuanian school...), and he followed me to the IMG fayre, and wouldn't have joined anything had i asked him why he had bothered coming here if not to join somehting. I would have done anything to get rid of him politely, but i couldn't, so i just lumped it. He's coming to debate club on thursday, but i told him it was at 6:00pm, i just found out it starts at 8:00pm... oh dear, at least i'll never have to put up with him round town again!
Anyway, after that wonderful anecdote I should go, neighbours is nearly on (we meet up and watch it every day), and i also have to read and make notes on 60 pages of unknown law; interesting but long-winded, my notes are rubbish, too long winded. Speak to you later... hope everyone is having fun, today is the first day when I have started to want to see people that know me well, nm, lol, only a few weeks to wait before Nick and Jenny come up (not together, that would be weird), anyway, have fun...
Oh, something did happen (although it wasn't very exciting), I picked up (not meaning to) a random guy, who followed me orund al afternoon, he made me buy cheap bread, which would have been okay, but i didn't want any bread, I also got no dinner, as he said i should eat apples and cheese, at the time he had followed me to sainsburys, he didn't want anything, and had left his friend at the library to come with me, he told me about his life (a wannabe labour MP, does charity work for a Lithuanian school...), and he followed me to the IMG fayre, and wouldn't have joined anything had i asked him why he had bothered coming here if not to join somehting. I would have done anything to get rid of him politely, but i couldn't, so i just lumped it. He's coming to debate club on thursday, but i told him it was at 6:00pm, i just found out it starts at 8:00pm... oh dear, at least i'll never have to put up with him round town again!
Anyway, after that wonderful anecdote I should go, neighbours is nearly on (we meet up and watch it every day), and i also have to read and make notes on 60 pages of unknown law; interesting but long-winded, my notes are rubbish, too long winded. Speak to you later... hope everyone is having fun, today is the first day when I have started to want to see people that know me well, nm, lol, only a few weeks to wait before Nick and Jenny come up (not together, that would be weird), anyway, have fun...
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
hey, sorry, writing this one

I thought i would write, as it mean I can stick pictures of the wonderful roast dinner we had on Sunday (yes we were sad enough to take photos of it before we ate it), i had never cooked roast potatoes, but thanks to Andrena's brithday present I had several handy tips on how to do it, and they turned out amazing! (the random slice, is a cheese cake we made for dessert) (Thank you Andrena), ooh, and while we are updating the use on birthday presents; Tom, your DVD is the only one I have bought with me and consequently have watched it abut 6 times, luckily its very good, so I don't mind! Alex, I have unfortunately also had to use you b'day present, not that it is bad, but it has unfortunately rained, you'll also be pleased to hear that so far, I haven't left it behind anywhere!
Yesterday I had auditions, they went okay, the panto was really good, and I really wanted to do that, I had to do a load of characters, and then they had me do the same scene again but in a certain way, and they chose "disabled", so I was three disabled people, and it was surprisingly funny (if you weren't disabled), and minus the small worry that they will play it in public and I will have stuff thrown at me (It was filmed as one of the team wasn't at the audition), it is definitely my best chance of doing something, AMSND was not as good as I thought it would be, unfortunately the girl I did it with was rubbish, adn i spoke way too fast, but i'm thinking its probably better to do something new, only one more to do, tonight, if i can fit it in, if not, then i'll do it on thursday. So, err, haven't really done much, attended lectures, have begun to find stuff out about Law, its better than i thoguht it would be! today I spent £54 on two books, they better be good ones! lol, anyway, i will post this photos, and be done with it. Oh, yesterday I went to Tigertiger (club in Cardiff), which was quite good, I do have a photo of us, but i'll leave that for another time as it is on my phone, atm i have a cold (don't worry, its not a 'sarah' cold), but i'm tired and feel like rubbish and might have a nap now! (went to bed at half one, and woke up at 7:00 am). Anyway, have fun, i'll see you all soon...
Monday, October 2, 2006
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